Fulfillment Prices (2022)

GGB offers simple, transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

To learn about our

  • Warehouse Storage Services and see our current price sheet: Click Here
  • Returns and Repackaging Services and see our current price sheet: Click Here
  • Fulfillment and Individual Unit Preparation Services and see our current price sheet: Click Here

For large companies, contact us. We can arrange a volume price reduction.


Does GGB offer international shipping outside of the US?
Yes! We can ship your orders to more than 200 countries and territories. Using the Smart Shipping method, you would email the shipping labels and any other required documents, and we will pick-pack-ship for you.
Does GGB let merchants use their own boxes (branded or plain)?
Yes! If you want to use your own box or envelope (branded or plain), we will be happy to utilize it for your packages. All you do is pay to store them. There is no fee for us to use them for shipping.
What is the Smart Shipping plan?
Smart Shipping is for merchants looking to manage their own shipping. With the Smart Shipping plan, merchants manage all of their orders and email GGB with SKUs, shipping labels, and packing slips.
What is the Hands-Free shipping plan?
Hands-Free shipping is for merchants who need someone else to manage all of the intricacies related to shipping. With the Hands-Free shipping plan, GGB will login to various selling platforms on the merchant's behalf one time daily, download the orders and packing slips, and prepare shipping labels.